9 Tips for Setting Up AI Rules for Your Staff

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful tool. It can enhance the productivity, efficiency, and creativity of your staff. But AI also comes with some challenges and risks. Businesses need to address and manage these to use AI effectively.

Establishing clear and ethical guidelines, or “AI rules,” for staff interaction is essential. Otherwise, you may not know when AI is being used for business data. Employees may also be scared to use AI without direction. This can leave them missing out on incredible time savings.

64% of businesses expect AI to increase productivity.

In this article, we will share some tips for setting up AI rules for your staff. These tips can help you harness the benefits of AI while avoiding the pitfalls.

Define the scope and purpose of AI use.

Before you introduce AI to your staff, you need to have a clear vision. Know what you want to achieve with AI. As well as how it aligns with your business goals and values.

You also need to communicate this vision to your staff. Explain how AI will support their work and improve their outcomes. This will help you set realistic expectations and avoid confusion or frustration.

Establish ethical principles and guidelines.

AI can have significant impacts on your staff, customers, and partners. As well as society at large. So, you need to ensure that your AI use is ethical, fair, transparent, and accountable. You can do this by developing a set of ethical principles and guidelines. They should reflect your organizational culture and values. As well as follow relevant laws and regulations. You also need to educate your staff on these guidelines and track their compliance.

Involve stakeholders in the decision-making process.

AI rule-setting should not be a top-down process. Involve key stakeholders, including employees, in the decision-making process. Gather insights from different departments and roles. This helps ensure that AI rules are reflective of diverse perspectives. This collaborative approach enhances the quality of the rules. It also fosters a sense of ownership and engagement among staff members.

Assign roles and responsibilities.

AI is not a magic solution that can replace human judgment and oversight. You still need to have a clear division of roles and responsibilities. This would be between your staff and the AI systems they use.

You should define who handles the following AI system tasks:

  • Design
  • Development
  • Deployment
  • Maintenance
  • Auditing
  • Updating

You should also define who is accountable for the outcomes and impacts of AI use. Ensure that you support your staff with training, enablement, and change management.

Provide training and support.

Empower your staff with the skills necessary to work effectively alongside AI. Offer comprehensive training programs. They should cover the basics of AI technology. As well as its applications within the organization and guidelines for AI interaction. Providing ongoing support ensures that employees feel confident. As well as capable in their roles within an AI-enhanced environment.

Ensure data security and privacy.

AI systems often rely on vast amounts of data. As such, emphasize robust data security and privacy measures. Clearly communicate the steps taken to safeguard sensitive information. Adhere to data protection regulations. Establish a robust cybersecurity framework. One that protects both employee and organizational data from potential breaches.

Put a feedback loop in place.

Create a system for gathering feedback from employees about their interactions with AI. This feedback loop serves as a valuable mechanism. It helps with identifying areas of improvement and refining AI rules. As well as addressing any concerns or challenges that arise during implementation. Actively listen to employee feedback to foster a culture of continuous improvement.

Review and update your AI rules regularly.

AI is a dynamic and evolving field. It requires constant adaptation and improvement. You cannot set up your AI rules once and forget about them. You need to review and update these rules regularly. This is to ensure that they are still relevant and effective. As well as aligned with your business goals and values. You also need to evaluate the performance, outcomes, and impacts of your AI use. Use this information to make adjustments as needed.

Encourage a growth mindset.

Foster a culture of curiosity and a growth mindset within your organization. Encourage employees to embrace AI as a tool for augmentation. But not a replacement. Communicate that AI is here to enhance their capabilities and streamline processes. It allows them to focus on more strategic and creative aspects of their roles.

Get Expert Guidance with an AI Transformation

AI can be a game-changer for your business. That is if you use it wisely and responsibly. By following these tips, you can set up AI rules for your staff. Rules that can help you leverage the power of AI while minimizing the risks.

Need an expert guide for a digital or AI transformation? Give us a call today to schedule a chat.

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This Article has been Republished with Permission from The Technology Press.

These 5 Small Business Tech Trends Can Fuel Your Growth

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In today’s ever-evolving digital landscape, small businesses have more opportunities than ever. Many of these call for leveraging technology to their advantage. Embracing the right tech trends can help businesses compete. It enables them to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and fuel growth.

But it can be confusing knowing which routes to take. Most small businesses need to choose the route that is going to bring the biggest return.

Below, we’ll explore five small business tech trends. These trends have the potential to drive success. As well as propel your business forward in an increasingly competitive market.

1. Cloud Computing: Expanding Possibilities

Cloud computing has emerged as a game-changer for businesses of all sizes. And some believe small businesses are among the most benefitted. 82% of small to medium businesses report reduced costs after adopting cloud tools.

The cloud offers many benefits. It’s a cost-effective and scalable solution for data storage, software access, and collaboration. By migrating to the cloud, small businesses can save. They cut the need for on-premises infrastructure. This reduces maintenance costs and gives enhanced flexibility.

Also, cloud-based tools and platforms enable teams to work remotely. This can promote collaboration and improve productivity. Working in the cloud offers access to real-time data and apps from any location. This enables small businesses to make informed decisions faster. They can also respond to market changes with agility.

2. Artificial Intelligence: Automating Efficiency

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way businesses operate. This year alone, ChatGPT has completely transformed many business apps. We cannot overstate AI’s potential benefits for small businesses.

AI-powered tools and algorithms can automate routine tasks. Such as data entry, customer service, and inventory management. This frees up valuable time for employees to focus on higher-value activities.

Chatbots, for instance, enable small businesses to provide 24/7 customer support. All without the need for more staff or paying overtime hours.

AI also empowers businesses to gain actionable insights from vast amounts of data. This helps them optimize processes, personalize marketing strategies, and enhance customer experiences.

Embracing AI technologies can give small businesses a competitive edge. It does this by boosting efficiency, reducing costs, and improving decision-making.

3. E-commerce and Mobile Commerce: Expanding Reach

The rise of e-commerce and mobile commerce has opened up new avenues for small businesses. They can now easily reach a global audience. Using websites and apps, companies can sell anywhere at any time.

It’s easier than ever to put up a secure payment gateway and take payments online. These “plug-and-play” e-commerce sites and apps can create a seamless user experience. This allows small businesses to build trust and encourage repeat purchases.

Businesses can easily understand customer preferences by leveraging data analytics. They can also optimize inventory management and personalize marketing campaigns.

By embracing e-commerce and mobile commerce, small businesses can grow quickly. They can extend their reach beyond geographical boundaries. As well as tap into new markets, thereby fueling growth opportunities.

4. Data Security: Safeguarding Trust

As businesses increasingly rely on digital technologies, data security becomes paramount. Small businesses are just as vulnerable to cyber threats as larger enterprises. This makes it essential to prioritize data security measures.

46% of all data breaches impact businesses with less than 1,000 employees.

It’s important to put robust cybersecurity practices in place. This includes things like:

  • Encryption
  • Multi-factor authentication
  • Regular data backups
  • Endpoint protection
  • Identity and access management
  • Advanced threat protection

Additionally, two more tactics to proactively manage risks include:

  • Staying informed about emerging threats
  • Investing in employee training

Customers value businesses that focus on their data security. A strong security posture can instill trust and confidence. This leads to long-term customer loyalty and positive brand reputation.

5. Automation and Workflow Integration: Streamlining Operations

Automating business processes can significantly streamline operations. When small businesses integrate workflows they save time and money. Workflow automation eliminates repetitive manual tasks. It also reduces human error and enhances efficiency.

Think about integrating various systems and applications. Such as customer relationship management (CRM), project management, and accounting software. Integration can end silos and ensure seamless information flow across different departments.

Other benefits include:

  • Enabling better coordination
  • Fostering collaboration
  • Optimizing resource allocation
  • Improving productivity
  • Enhancing customer satisfaction

Small businesses that leverage automation and workflow integration gain a competitive advantage. They operate more efficiently and deliver superior experiences to their customers.

Take an Important Step Toward Digital Growth

In today’s digital era, small businesses have a ton of tech tools and trends at their disposal. But it takes guidance to know what to do and how to do it.

While embracing cloud computing, AI, e-commerce, data security, and automation can help. To stay competitive small businesses need a clear and affordable path. One that makes sense for their business goals.

We can be your digital transformation guide.

Give us a call today to schedule a chat about tech solutions to fuel your growth.

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This Article has been Republished with Permission from The Technology Press.

Have You Tried Out Microsoft Designer Yet? (Get the Scoop Here)

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As technology continues to advance, so does the landscape of design tools. Microsoft has been a company at the forefront of business apps. Microsoft 365 began with about seven apps. It now offers new users access to over 20.

One of the newest ones added is Microsoft Designer. This quick-and-easy design tool has caught the attention of designers and professionals alike. You can use it whether you’re a graphic pro, marketer, or small business owner. Or someone that simply wants to make a funny meme.

Microsoft Designer offers a range of features to streamline your design process. If you haven’t used it yet, you may want to check it out. With AI features and an easy interface, it can elevate your design game. Not to mention saving time and money creating business graphics.

Let’s explore the key features.

Intuitive and User-Friendly Interface

Microsoft Designer boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface. This makes it accessible to both beginners and experienced designers. The tool provides a clean and organized workspace. It allows you to focus on your design without distractions.

Its user-friendly features include things like:

  • Drag-and-drop functionality
  • Contextual menus
  • Easy navigation
  • Text prompts to start your design

The first prompt it asks is “Describe the design you’d like to create.” This makes it simple for someone with no design experience to use it. Based on your prompt, the system can leverage AI to generate graphics. You can also upload your own.

Microsoft Designer
Microsoft Designer Interface

Comprehensive Design Templates and Assets

Microsoft Designer has several stand-out features. One of them is its extensive collection of templates and assets. It has a wide range of professionally crafted templates. These enable you to kickstart your design projects quickly.

Whether you need a business card, flyer, or social media post, this app has you covered. Additionally, the tool offers a vast library of assets. These include:

  • High-quality images
  • Icons
  • Fonts
  • Color palettes

You can use these to create visually stunning designs. Ones that align with your brand identity. The abundance of design assets gives you creative freedom and flexibility. You can have fun bringing your vision to life.

Smart Layout Suggestions and Design Recommendations

Microsoft Designer goes beyond being a mere design tool. It’s a knowledgeable design assistant. The tool employs artificial intelligence. It can analyze your design and provide smart layout suggestions and recommendations. So even if making images isn’t “your thing,” you can make something decent.

The AI help is useful for those who may be new to design or seeking inspiration. Your “design assistant” can offer optimal font pairings, appropriate image placements, and more.

Microsoft Designer helps you make informed design choices. This elevates the visual impact of your creations. It also keeps you from spending hours on one design.

Seamless Collaboration and Integration

Collaboration is essential in today’s digital workspace. Microsoft Designer understands this need. The tool offers seamless collaboration capabilities. It allows several users to work on the same design project simultaneously.

You can easily share your designs with team members or clients. As well as get real-time feedback and edits. Furthermore, Microsoft Designer integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft Office applications. Such as PowerPoint and Word. This creates a cohesive workflow across different design and documentation tasks. The ability to collaborate ensures efficient teamwork. The integration with other tools enhances productivity.

Accessibility and Cross-Platform Support

Microsoft Designer recognizes the importance of accessibility and cross-platform compatibility. The tool is available both as a web application and as a desktop application. You can use it on Windows and Mac.

Use it working on your desktop computer or from a mobile device. The tool also adheres to accessibility standards. This means it’s inclusive and usable for individuals with diverse needs.

What Does It Autogenerate?

Just for fun, let’s see what we get with the AI-generated option. We’ll describe our design as, “a sales ad for orange juice with palm trees.”

In just a few seconds, this is what Microsoft Designer generated as options.


While some images might not be relevant, it gives many options that are. If you’re not getting what you want the first time, rephrase your prompt.

If you’re seeking a user-friendly design tool, Microsoft Designer is worth exploring. Whether you’re a seasoned designer or a beginner, it can save you time and money.

Learn More About Our Microsoft 365 Support

Microsoft 365 is a vast universe of apps. Ones that can lower costs and boost your productivity. From the Office suite to Intune for endpoint management, it’s a valuable asset.

Need help with M365 questions? Looking for setup and security support? We can help. Give us a call today to schedule a chat about our Microsoft support services.

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This Article has been Republished with Permission from The Technology Press.

Learn How Microsoft 365 Copilot Is Going to Transform M365 Apps

Advanced AI is a new buzzword in cloud computing. The launch of tools like ChatGPT and Bard have made big waves. Developers are now racing to introduce the next level of features to apps. Features that do part of your work for you. Such as writing emails or making follow-up checklists based on contact data.

These AI-based applications do much more than automate processes. People are using them to write business correspondence, create websites, and write scripts. AI is also quickly transforming the everyday office workflow.

Microsoft is one of the biggest players in the office application field. It’s at the forefront of introducing transformative technology. The company is about to transform Microsoft 365 in a huge way with its new Copilot tool.

Microsoft 365 Copilot is a new tool designed to help users get the most out of their Microsoft 365 apps. This revolutionary tool is an intelligent, personalized assistant. It’s designed to help users navigate and use M365 more efficiently.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Microsoft 365 Copilot. And tell you the key ways it’s going to improve M365 apps and your business workflows.

What is Microsoft 365 Copilot?

Microsoft 365 Copilot is an AI-powered assistant. It helps users with their day-to-day tasks in M365 apps. It’s like having a personal assistant right in your Office apps. Users can ask questions, get help with tasks, and receive personalized recommendations. Copilot responds leveraging the context of their usage patterns.

Microsoft 365 Copilot works across all M365 apps. This includes:

  • Word
  • Excel
  • PowerPoint
  • Outlook
  • Teams
  • and more

Whether you’re doing any number of tasks, Microsoft 365 Copilot is there to assist you. This includes working on a document, meeting scheduling, or collaborating with a team.

How Does Microsoft 365 Copilot Work?

Microsoft 365 Copilot uses AI and machine learning to understand users’ needs. It provides personalized help. It uses data from users’ interactions with M365 apps. It learns a user’s usage patterns and offers recommendations based on their preferences.

For example, say you frequently use certain features in Excel. Microsoft 365 Copilot will learn this. It will offer suggestions when it detects that you’re working on a similar task.

Say that you’re working on a presentation in PowerPoint and struggling with design. Microsoft 365 Copilot can offer design suggestions based on your company’s brand guidelines.

Microsoft 365 Copilot can also help users with common tasks. Tasks such as, scheduling meetings and managing emails. Users can simply ask Copilot for help. They can ask it to schedule a meeting or find an email from a specific person, and Copilot will take care of the rest.

Why is Microsoft Copilot Important?

Copilot is important because it can help users be more productive and efficient. By providing personalized support, the tool can save users time and reduce frustration.

Imagine you’re working on a report in Word and you’re struggling to format a table. Instead of spending time searching for a solution online. Or trying to figure it out on your own, you can simply ask Microsoft 365 Copilot for help. Copilot can offer suggestions. It can even walk you through the process, saving you time and reducing frustration.

Microsoft 365 Copilot is also important because it can help users get more out of their M365 apps. Many users may not be aware of all the features and capabilities of their M365 apps. But with Copilot, they can discover new ways to work more efficiently and effectively.

The capabilities of Copilot go even further. Say that you need to give your team an update on a marketing strategy. You won’t need to dig out emails, chat threads, or meeting notes. Instead, you can ask Copilot to “tell my team how we updated the marketing strategy.” The app will then search all those places for you and craft an update for your team.

Need a first draft of a meeting agenda or presentation? Just ask Copilot. It can access existing M365 documents and content and craft an initial draft for you.

Benefits of Using Microsoft 365 Copilot

Personalized Help

Microsoft 365 Copilot provides personalized help based on users’ usage patterns and preferences. This means that users get the help they need when they need it, without having to search for solutions on their own.


Microsoft 365 Copilot can help users save time on common tasks. Such as scheduling meetings and formatting documents. It can take on many information gathering tasks, like summarizing meeting notes. This saves users considerable time. Especially for manual tasks such as searching for information.

Knowledge workers spend an average of 2.5 hours per day searching for information.

Reduced Frustration

Microsoft 365 Copilot can help reduce frustration. It provides solutions when users are stuck on a task. The tool can also help users struggling with an Excel chart or table. Instead of having to figure out how to generate it, they can simply give a command to Copilot to do it for them.

Improved Productivity

Microsoft Copilot handles tasks that go beyond what business apps have historically done. For example, you can use it in PowerPoint to create a presentation for you. Use a command such as, “Create a six-slide presentation based on (this) document.” You can also tell it to find appropriate Microsoft stock photos and insert them.

The sky is the limit right now for how much this tool is going to impact office productivity.

When Will Microsoft 365 Copilot Be Available?

At the writing of this article, Microsoft hasn’t announced a release date yet. It is currently testing Copilot with a limited number of users. You will most likely see it coming out sometime soon.

Improve Your Microsoft 365 Value & Security

Need help with security or setup in Microsoft 365? Give us a call today to talk to one of our cloud app experts.

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This Article has been Republished with Permission from The Technology Press.

Best Ways to Use ChatGPT at Your Business (Without Things Getting Out of Hand)

a computer chip with the word gpt printed on it

It’s hard to turn around online these days without running into ChatGPT. Both Bing and Google are levering this advanced artificial intelligence language model. And you can expect it to show up in more business and personal tools that you use every day.

ChatGPT has revolutionized the way businesses interact with their customers. It has also affected how they get things done. Teams are using it for everything from emails to generating ideas for product names.

The tool’s personalized and informative responses in real-time definitely draw you in. But integrating ChatGPT into your business operations requires careful consideration. You want to ensure that things don’t get out of hand with employees using the tool irresponsibly.

In this article, we explore the best practices for using ChatGPT at your business.

Best Practices for Responsible Use of ChatGPT & Other AI

Understand ChatGPT’s Weaknesses

This is still very new technology, and it makes mistakes. When you first use ChatGPT, you’ll see a warning about this. You shouldn’t use the responses it provides you without human review and editing.

Yes, it can write you an employee device use policy if you ask. But, there may be things in that auto-generated policy that aren’t quite correct. Use it as a prompt, but not as a replacement for human-generated content.

Another weakness is potential bias. As the engine trains on vast amounts of content, it can pick up some bad habits. Thus, you could get biased or shocking responses from ChatGPT. Understand that in human terms, the tool is still a toddler that needs supervision.

Define ChatGPT’s Role

Before integrating ChatGPT into your business, it’s essential to define its role. The role can range from answering customers to generating ideas for new products.

Defining ChatGPT’s role helps you leverage its power. But also ensures you put in guard rails. The technology still is very new, so you don’t want your employees using it for everything.

Determine exactly which tasks the company approves for ChatGPT use and which it does not. This empowers your team to use it where you deem best and avoids improper use.

Consider Customer Privacy

Privacy is a crucial aspect of any business, and ChatGPT should not be an exception. As you integrate the tool into your work, it’s important to consider customer privacy. In fact, in March, Italy banned ChatGPT due to data privacy concerns.

Be aware of any exposure of employee or customer data to ChatGPT. Limit the potential for data leakage.

For example, you can configure ChatGPT to stop collecting customer data. Such as, after data collection reaches a particular threshold.

Ensure Human Oversight

ChatGPT is a powerful tool, but it’s not a substitute for human interaction. It’s crucial to have human oversight to ensure the output it gives is relevant and accurate. Human oversight can help stop inappropriate responses that may negatively impact your business.

Integrate ChatGPT Into Your Existing Customer Service

Integrating ChatGPT into your customer service channels can benefit customers. It can improve customer experience while also reducing workload. You can integrate it into your website, social media, and other support channels. It can provide real-time responses to customer queries. But, again, human beings need to watch ChatGPT and its responses.

Leveraging it intelligently reduces the waiting time for customers. It can also improve their experience with your business.

Measure Performance and Optimize

Measuring ChatGPT’s performance is crucial to ensure that it’s providing value. Measure its performance by analyzing customer satisfaction, response time, and responses handled.

You can also look at productivity statistics. Is using ChatGPT to write the framework for customer emails saving time? Or does it take just as much time for your team to edit responses?

Based on the analysis, you can optimize ChatGPT to improve its performance. This helps it to be a better support for your business.

Be Transparent About Using It

Be transparent if you’re using ChatGPT for email responses or other things. Your customers will appreciate your honesty. For example, you could simply state in your policies the following.

“We leverage AI for certain content, and always edit and fact-check its outputs.”

The use of AI-generated content is a murky area right now. Responsible companies tell their customers exactly where and how they are using it.

Get Help Navigating the Changing World of Business Technology

ChatGPT is an excellent tool for businesses looking to leverage its AI power. But this tool is still in its infancy. Integrating ChatGPT into your business requires careful consideration. You need to ensure that it’s effective and secure.

Need help navigating the changing technology landscape? Give us a call today to schedule a chat about AI, where to leverage it, and business concerns.

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This Article has been Republished with Permission from The Technology Press.